Vision in Motion by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, 1969. ID Book, Institute of Design, Paul Theobald and Company, Chicago. 8th large printing, 8.75 x 11.25, pp. 376 with English text. Typographic design by Moholy-Nagy.
This “blue-print of education through art” for the entire first half of the 20th century was first published posthumously in 1947, one year after Moholy-Nagy’s death in Chicago. It's contemporary spirit continues to illuminate his modern approaches and methods towards interdisciplinary education: film, design, architecture, photography, painting, literature and the sciences; first set in motion at the Bauhaus, Dessau and continued at Chicago's Institute of Design. “... I think this will be the leading book in Art Education.” — Dr. Walter Gropius, Chairman Department of Architecture Harvard University.
With a Foreword, Table of Contents, Acknowledgment, and Introduction. Sections include: I. Analyzing the Situation: Vision in Motion; II. New Method of Approach–Design For Life; III. New Education–Organic Approach; and IV. A Proposal. Heavily illustrated with 440 examples of student and faculty work; some full-page and in color.
A fine oatmeal cloth hardcover book in a still bright, nearly fine dust jacket with only a hint of wear.