IDEA, International Graphic Art and Typography edited by Jun Nukita, Vol. 56, No. 330, September 2008. Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing Co., Tokyo, Japan. 8.875 x 11.75, pp. 249. Japanese text. Printed in Japan. Cover design by D&Department Project.
Published since 1953, IDEA is a bi–monthly magazine dedicated to international advertising art, illustration, graphic design and typography. This sold-out issue has a special feature devoted to the D&Department Project, a store-style activity with the theme of “long life design”, which was founded by designer Kenmei Nagaoka in 2000.
Japanese text only with some English summaries for the featured article only. Lavishly illustrated throughout featuring: D&Department Project 2005-2008; Talk with Tetsuo Matsumoto; Talk with Naoto Fukasawa; What is Long Life Design?; Total Contents of ‘d long life design’; Long Life Corporate Marks in Japan; The Shape of Things to Come Vol. 1; A Cultural History of Contemporary Design Vol. 2; MeMe Design Journal Vol. 1; From Format to Layout; Beautiful Losers by Ian Lynam (English text); and News and Information.
A nearly fine magazine. Uncommon in the United States.