IDEA 108 — International Advertising Art Magazine, 1971 [Cover: Eiichi Hasegawa]

IDEA 108 — International Advertising Art Magazine, 1971 [Cover: Eiichi Hasegawa]

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IDEA, International Advertising Art edited by Noboru Sakamoto, Vol. 19, No. 108, September 1971. Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing Co., Tokyo, Japan. 8.875 x 11.75, pp. 134 with trade advertising. Japanese and English text. Art Director: Hiroshi Ohchi. Cover photo by: Masanobu Fukuda and cover design by Eiichi Hasegawa. 

Published since 1953, IDEA is a bi–monthly magazine dedicated to international advertising art, illustration, graphic design and typography. Heavily illustrated throughout in black and white and color. Filled with excellent and uncommon references, historical content and inspirational Japanese and international works.

Featuring: Photo works of Masanobu Fukuda by Kouen Shigemori; Illustration Fantasia of the Century “Alan Aldridge” by Shin’ichi Kusamori; “Survival” Exhibition of AIGA; Formative Principle and Sample for One-sheet Relief by Kensuke Tomonaga; Chourgnoz Publicité; Rombola’s People by Akiko Hyuga; James McMullan; Satirical Posters of Leningrad by Jan Rajlich; Hans-Jürgen Spohn’s Picture books; Variations on a theme by Peano-constructions based on a Mathematical Principle by Mary M. de Vis-Norton; Elements of Idea Optical Illustration by Shigeo Fukuda; My Personal Exhibition by Kazumasa Nagai; René Groebli: Photo Variation 2; Exhibition of Japanese Lettering Design; and Here & There (industry news, etc.).

A very good, vintage magazine with slight wear, a few dog-eared pages and a light bend to the upper corner throughout. The front cover has started to pull from the glued binding. Uncommon in the United States.