Helvetica Handbücher guter Druckschriften [Handbook of Good Typefaces] der Visualis AG, Zurich: Band E Helvetica, 1968. Haas'schen Schriftgiesserei, Münchenstein, Switzerland in collaboration with Schnittblatt-Service der Visualis AG, Zurich. Stamped Copy Nr. 1475, 11.25 x 11, 4-ring binder, loose-leaf system with German text. Printed in Switzerland.
The Helvetica loose-leaf system from the Haas Typefoundry features nine varieties: leicht (4-48 point), mager (4-60 point), Kursiv mager (5-24 point), halbfett (5-72 point), fett and Kursiv fett (6-72 point) including phototypesetting specifications for Helvetica Lino mager, Kursiv mager and halbfett (6-12 point). With an introduction from the Haas Type Foundry; perforated pre-addressed cards to purchase products by mail; typesetting specifications and an advertisement towards the back. Visualis AG also published similar style binder systems for Times New Roman and Univers c. 1967 (see images).
A fine condition original binder and loose-leaf system with only a hint of wear.