A group of (2) Typositor Typography / A New Typography booklets, 1965 and 1969. Aaron Burns & Company, Division of Rapid Typographers. Inc., and TypoGraphics Communications, Inc., New York, NY, USA.
“The new technologies in the graphic arts offer fresh opportunities for new and exciting approaches to creative typography never before possible. Your standards of quality, [and] your typographic vision will change." These two booklets intended as a primer, summarize some of the outstanding features of this new photographic typesetting process. There is some duplication of content and illustrated examples between both booklets.
(1) Typositor Typography by Aaron Burns & Company, 1965, stapled, 10 x 9.5, with pp. 32 plus covers. An introduction by Aaron Burns & Company followed by text and illustrated examples summarizing the features: How and when to use Typositor Typography, Typositor Typeface Listings (laid-in is the single-sided list of typefaces added after the date of this publishing), Large Sizes, Enlargements, Inexhaustible Supply, Spacing, Exclusive Typefaces and Examples, and How to Order Typositor Typography. With a previous owner's signature and date in red ink on the inside front cover.
(1) TGD / Typositor Typography by TypoGraphics Communications, Inc., 1969, stapled, 8.625 x 11, with pp. 16 plus covers. An introduction by Aaron Burns followed by text and illustrated examples summarizing the features: Large Sizes, Inexhaustible Supply, Spacing, Variations, Exclusive Typefaces, Typositor Assembly, and How to Order Typositor Typography. With an excellent, experimental photograph illustrated full page on the inside front cover.
Both booklets very good with light handling and soiling along the edges of the glossy white covers. Uncommon.